Announcing the Second Generation of the PageDAO NFT Minter

A testnet to bring the world of Web3 to authors.

T. Dylan Daniel
PageDAO Magazine


The Second Generation PageDAO NFT Minter is now in testnet phase. Released 2/20/2023, this unique decentralized application enables the user to bring a manuscript and create a unique NFT asset with a variety of never-before-seen features.

This piece of technology was developed primarily by Robert Pollock and incorporates minting pages from Bonfire, marketplaces from ThirdWeb, and contracts from Mintplex. To top it all off, we’re using Questchains to onboard everyone to the new testnet here:

It has only been a few hours since the new testnet went live, but excitement around the first PageDAO NFT creator to enable users to spin up gated assets or marketplaces is already palpable.

Current state of Quest #1, available at

To peek around without necessarily getting involved with the testnet, please have a look at the rest of this article.

Previewing the New dAPP

The new dAPP is a special piece of technology. This is the second official generation of the PageDAO Readme Books NFTBook Minter, and it features most of the user requests we’ve heard since we released the initial version 14 months ago. Here is a short list of things that are changing.

Multiple Collections: The new minter will be one piece of code, but it will exist in many places simultaneously. As a piece of FOSS (Free, Open Source Software), it will be possible for other users to take the code, modify it to suit the intended use case, and deploy assets that are compatible with existing PageDAO NFT products. These assets can exist on their own collections, and the WIP Publishing Team intends to create forks of the software for a variety of PageDAO projects and perhaps could be financially persuaded to do one or two extras if people really want us to. This is not the final stop on the journey, however — there is more technology waiting in the wings.

Scope out the new minter here: (membership NFT required!)

Bespoke Marketplaces: has created open source software that rapidly spins up a marketplace for NFT assets controlled by the user. OpenSea will also index these assets, but due to recent royalty revocation, it is important to note that the custom marketplace enables the user to do whatever they choose with respect to royalties.

Gated NFTs: The new assets have a built-in token gate that reveals only as much of the text as the author chooses at the time of the initial minting of the NFT. A set number of pages from the work will show up publicly as a Preview, and further pages of the work require the user to connect wallet and prove ownership of the asset to enable viewing.

EVM-Compatible: The present technology platform provides the ability to spin up compatible collections on any public blockchain that supports the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Initial targets include Polygon, Arbitrum, and Ethereum Mainnet. Waiting in the wings are Optimism, Evmos, and others.

Incentivized Testnet: 50k $PAGE tokens are set aside to be airdropped to holders of the Soulbound NFT testnet users can earn by participating in the testnet. All that is required is to complete the basic tasks the developers assign and provide some feedback along the way.

Join in the fun! Go to to find links and subscribe for updates from the PageDAO corner of the metaverse, welcoming Authors to Web3 since 2021.



T. Dylan Daniel
PageDAO Magazine

Philosopher. Founder of WIP Publishing & PAGE DAO. Author of Formal Dialectics and Bring Back Satire.