What Is Collective Human Intelligence?

T. Dylan Daniel
10 min readJun 17, 2024

Contemporary issues in the newly-ascendant AI industry have deep philosophical problems (Floridi & Nobre, 2024) and increasingly tremendous financial implications (Mickle, 2024). However, progress is being made by researchers from the formerly obscure philosophy of cognitive neuroscience subdiscipline such as Hipolito (2024). In a recent essay, I argue that the problem with AI goes all the way to the point where the concept is defined initially from artificial, meaning built, and intelligence, meaning either a mind’s activity and/or capacity for activity; or the product of this activity. Artificial intelligence is best conceived of as a subset or offshoot of human intelligence; that is, minds can be intelligence or create intelligence which AI then is able to navigate, and which might be thought of as the lexicon of mental action. This essay will unpack the consequences of the realization that AIs are all creations, recognizing that the characteristics of the resources that come together in the creation of an AI/ANI map seems to be a pivotal component of understanding where these newly useful creations can fit into the world as it is understood by science and cognitive science today.

SECTION 1: What is Collective Human Intelligence, and how does it relate to AI/ANI?



T. Dylan Daniel

Philosopher. Founder of WIP Publishing & PAGE DAO. Author of Formal Dialectics and Bring Back Satire. https://dylan.cent.co/